- 群員欲另建分群,請先閱讀《群組及頻道通則》,任何違反該通則的群組將會被列入黑名單,組織者、實際管理者、關聯者亦皆會被全域永久封禁。
- 群組管理人員的管理行為受《管理處理通則》約束,群員若對管理人員的管理行為有任何疑問,請先閱讀該通則,並在申訴群或元群組提出疑問。
- 在緊急情況時,群組管理人員可根據《緊急處理通則》訂立臨時特殊附則,並藉此作出處理。群員若對此類事宜有任何疑問,請先閱讀該通則,並在申訴群或元群組提出疑問。
Author Note
I have now re-released this Instant Messaging Code, with relevant authorship reserved. It is a work that, unfortunately, was highly under-appreciated by the Chinese Wikipedia administrative team that existed before this work, which my fellows and I have not been fully able to overcome and bring a new order. The environment is still highly corrupted. It is so I chose to reserve my authorship.
At the same time, my thoughts have been again altered: institutionalism is not a solution, at least here in the Chinese Wikipedia. The defect of participants in the Chinese Wikipedia cannot significantly carry the functionality of this institutionalised system. Guanxi and face (mianzi and lian) carries conspicuous affects which induced the dysfunctionality and misusage of my institutional designs. I hereby express my strongest regret and condemnation of the detrimental group of people there.
Here, I also release some of my drafts at ./_drafts , for you to view my initial blueprint.
I re-released this work based on a very simple reason — I need to clean unless docs for my hard drive. Hence I asked Pepper (Borschts) and Rowe (Frederisk) whether they wished to keep the last local copy of all. They said “Upload it”; so I did, with no more nostalgia for this work.
This work shall not be limited to the Chinese Wikipedia groups; it belongs to all for utilisation in group governance, or in a better word, member relationship maintenance. If Pepper (Borschts) and Rowe (Frederisk) have any suitable choice on licence or still remain non-licence, it should be respected. Yet, a moral right of mine should still be retained in case of any bad usage against general members of any group and against this hard work.
It is time to declare a farewell to my springtime of life and to pass goodbye to an unachieved dream to change the Chinese Wikipedia community through this set of rules, through institutionalisation.
May you all be blessed; safe and sound.
Best Regards,
User:だ*ぜ (Dasze) (@Da-ze)