原則一:研究倫理許可 (Principle 1: Research Ethics Approval)
While involving human subjects in research, researchers must get an ethical approval from his/her institution or the relevant ethics commit. 凡研究涉人類受試者,研究人員必須獲得其所在機構或相關倫理委員會的倫理許可。
The code for successful ethical approval must be submitted to the group administrators upon request. 成功通過之倫理許可代碼,獲要求後須提交予群組管理員。
原則二:數據收集 (Principle 2: Data Collection)
Researchers must collect the data necessary for the research purpose and must comply with both privacy and data protection laws. 研究人員必須收集研究目的所需的數據,並且必須遵守隱私和資料保護法。
Researchers must be full aware of whether the subject is a minor or not; if the subject is a minor, researchers must get consent from the subject’s legal guardian. 研究人員必須充分瞭解受試者是否為未成年;如果受試者為未成年人,研究人員必須徵得受試者法定監護人之同意。
原則二:數據保密 (Principle 2: Data Confidentiality)
Researchers should not disclose any detailed personal information of the participants to the public even though the participants have given consent to the researchers. 即使參與者已向研究人員表示同意,研究人員也不應向公眾透露參與者的任何具體個人資訊。
Anonymisation or pseudonymisation of the data is required before the data is disclosed to the public. 在向公眾披露數據之前,需要對數據進行匿名化或假名化。
原則三:數據保管 (Principle 3: Data Storage)
Researchers must store the data in a secure place which is only accessible by the researchers. 研究人員必須將資料儲存在只有研究人員才能存取的安全位置。
Researchers must discuss summarialy the data security measures with group administrators upon request. 研究人員在應要求與群組管理員討論時,必須簡要討論資料安全措施。
原則四:數據使用 (Principle 4: Data Usage)
Researchers must not use the data for any purpose other than the purpose stated in the research ethics application. 研究人員不得將數據用於研究倫理申請中所述目的之外的任何目的。
原則五:數據刪除 (Principle 5: Data Deletion)
Researchers must delete the data after the data is no longer needed for the research purpose. 研究人員在達至研究目的,並不再需要資料後,必須刪除資料。
Researchers must discuss the data deletion measures with group administrators upon request. 研究人員在應要求與群組管理員討論時,討論資料刪除措施。
原則六:尊重國際公約指引 (Principle 6: Respect International Conventional Guidelines)
Researchers must respect human rights, including but not limited to the right of privacy, equality and non-discrimination, throughout all courses of researching. Necessary subject filtering caused by research purpose is not a breach of equality and non-discrimination. 研究者必須在所有研究過程中尊重人權,包括但不限於平等、不歧視和隱私權。但因研究目的而對研究對象進行必須的過濾並不違反平等和不歧視原則。